- Columbus Learning Center, "Abstraks and Ambiguities", Columbus, IN - Solo Exhibition - February, 2019
- Gallery 924, "Tiny VII", Indianapolis, IN, (Group) December, 2018
- Ivy Tech John Waldron Art Gallery, Bloomington, IN - Solo Exhibition - August, 2018
- Gallery 924, "Tiny VI", Indianapolis, IN, (Group) December, 2017
- Indianapolis Art Center: "Curio Exhibition", (Group) Curated by Kyle Herrington - June
- Light Space and Time Online Art Gallery, (Juried), "8th Annual Abstracts Competition" (International) Special Merit Award: "Brain Freeze" - March
- Stutz Artists Association and Gallery - "Red Show" (Group) - February
- Indianapolis Art Center "About Face" Group Show - February
- Light Space and Time Online Art Gallery, (Juried), "CityScapes Art Competition" (International) "Summer in the City" - Special Recognition Award - February
- Indianapolis Art Center 79th Student Show - December, Sutton Garten Award for Merit in Sculpture Jurors: Justin Vining, Harrison Center for the Arts; Emily Kennerk, Former Head of Sculpture at UNLV
- 924 Gallery, Indianapolis, (Juried) "TINY V", December
- Harrison Center for the Arts, (Juried) "Blue Indy Show", December
- CCIC, Indianapolis, IDADA Members Show (Juried by Jim May, Owner Hoosier Salon)-November
- Hoosier Salon, New Harmony, IN, "Good Ole Summertime" - Members Show - Merit Award "Do No Harm, Take No Crap"
- Columbus Learning Center, Columbus, IN, "Collective Imagination" - IndyArtWerkz Group Show -August
- Playful Soul, Broad Ripple, IN, "IndyArtWerkz Group Show" - August
- Hoosier Salon, Carmel, IN, "Adaptation No. 1 - Provacative" - June
- Art Association of Henry County, "Strength in Numbers"-May
- Meridian Street Gallery, Indianapolis "Pop-Up Uncensored" - May
- Meridian Street Gallery, Indianapolis "Rhythm N' Blues" - February
- Gallery 924, Indianapolis: "Young Collectors Show" - February
- Indianapolis Art Center 78th Annual Student Show - February (Best 3-D Mixed Media/Sculpture Winner)
- Columbus Learning Center, Columbus, IN - June 2015
- Indianapolis Art Center 77th Student Show - February 2015
- Birdie Gallery, Noblesville, IN-2015 "Community Creates" Art Competition (First Place Award Winner)
- Birdie Gallery, Noblesville, IN - October "Community Creates" Art Competition (Honorable Mention)
- Southwestern Art Council of IN-Evansville, IN, Regional Show - September
- Indianapolis Art Center 76th Student Show-February
- IDADA (Indianapolis Downtown Artists and Dealers Association)
- IGOA (International Gallery of the Arts)
- IMOCA (Indianapolis Museum of Contemporary Art)
- Hoosier Salon
- Indianapolis Museum of Art
- Indianapolis Art Center